I am re-vamping my home automation strategy from a home grown publish/subscribe messaging system to use MQTT instead.  I was using Azure Service Bus to connect remote devices such as my phone with devices in my home such as my lawn irrigation system.  This worked well as a messaging infrastructure for remote devices but I wanted to have a more standard messaging infrastructure that could work in my home network without connectivity to the outside world. 

A few reasons why I switched to MQTT:

  • Light weight
  • Many Clients already exist for many platforms and languages
  • Support for on-premise message broker
  • Support for off-premise message broker
  • Support for bridging brokers (on-premise to off-premise)
  • Fast
  • Used by companies like COSM (was Pachube) and Github
  • Simple topic subscription model that is also powerful
  • I don’t want to write a message broker

For the most part I am moving toward having devices in the home that are relatively dumb and having services running on a home server that add the smarts behind the devices.  This will give me the flexibility to change the behavior of the system a lot quicker without the hassle of tearing apart a device to upgrade the software on it.  This means I needed to have my services available all the time.  Placing these services in the cloud for mission critical things would mean I am left with devices in the home that cannot function while my internet connectivity is down.  This was the biggest reason I moved to an off the self pub/sub infrastructure like MQTT.

Like most messaging protocols, MQTT works on the notion of a topic and a message.  The topic is just a unique way of addressing a message.  I struggled a lot and I probably will continue to struggle on what my topic structure for my home automation should look like.  One thing I wanted to do is try to make the topics readable so that troubleshooting message problems would be easier.  Hear are a few standards I am trying to settle on:

  • When a device or service changes state and wishes to notify interested parties the topic will end with /event 
  • When a device or service wants to know the status of another device or service the topic will end with /getstatus
  • When a device or service receives a topic /getstatus the response topic it generates will end with /status
  • When a device or service needs to set the state of another device or service the topic will end with /set

Here are a few examples of topics and messages for my irrigation system:

Zone 1 turned on irrigation/zone/event z1 On
Request the current schedule from the irrigation service. The service will respond to this request by publishing various status topicsirrigation/schedule/getstatus 
Set the time that the irrigation service should start wateringirrigation/schedule/starttime/set09:00 AM
Status of the schedule start time in response to the getstatus requestirrigation/schedule/starttime/status09:00 AM
Set the days of the week that the irrigation system will waterirrigation/schedule/days/setMON WED FRI
Status of the scheduled days of the week in response to the getstatus requestirrigation/schedule/days/statusMON WED FRI
Set the zones that the irrigation system will run and how longirrigation/schedule/zones/setz1 10 z2 8 z3 10
Status of the scheduled zones in response to the getstatus requestirrigation/schedule/zones/statusz1 10 z2 8 z3 10
Sets the zones to run on the irrigation device and how longirrigation/zones/runz1 10 z2 8 z3 10

MQTT does have a concept of publishing messages with a retain bit. This just tells the broker to hang onto the last message for a topic and when a new subscription arrives the client will receive the last message.  I could have used this concept instead of the /getstatus standard that I have show above.  I might change over to using the retain bit but for now the /getstatus works for me. I am also making my messages a little verbose as they tend to contain multiple values that could have been broken down into more granular topics.

Overall I really like how simple MQTT is and it is very easy to get a device like the Netduino to understand MQTT messages.  I am sure I will make modifications on how I actually define my topics and message body over time as I develop more and more devices and services that do useful stuf in my home.    


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